Shipping Options, Prices & Time
Mostly orders are dispatched within 2-3 business days and generally received within 5-7 business days. We primarily ship through USPS.
Once shipped a tracking number is provided allowing the customer to check the status of their order.
Business days are Monday-Friday ; Holidays, Saturday and Sunday are not included in shipping days.
Orders Under $150 |
$5.99 |
5-7 Business Days** |
Orders Over $150 |
FREE*** |
5-7 Business Days** |
All Orders |
$20.00 |
2-3 Business Days** |
**Starts when your order has been shipped, and does not include standard processing time of up to 3 business days. Business days do not include Saturdays, Sundays, or US Holidays. For information on anticipated delivery (inclusive of processing and transit times), please refer to our
Shipping Policies .
During the holiday season (November 23rd - December 8th), total shipping times exclude processing times of up to 3 days for Express orders and up to 6 days for Standard orders.
Shipping Costs:
Shipping costs vary depending on your exact location and shipping options. Shipping costs are displayed at checkout.
Customs and import taxes:
Buyers are responsible for any customs and import taxes that may apply. We are not responsible for delays due to customs.
Shipping times are the estimated number of days until you will receive your order after placing it on the website. Business days do not include Saturdays, Sundays or U.S. Holidays. On rare occasions and for certain extended delivery zip codes, the order may arrive outside of the estimated timeframe. During the holiday season (November 23rd - December 26th), total shipping times exclude processing times of up to 3 days for Express orders, up to 6 days for Standard orders and up to 7 days for customers who select No Rush. Customers that select Express options between Friday at 3pm ET and Sunday at 3pm ET can expect an additional 24 hours of transit time.